About Lindsey

About Lindsey

Originally from the suburbs of Washington, DC, my home is now in the Lake Norman area of North Carolina. Growing up in the “city” and struggling for years to figure out where I fit in, who I was, and how I wanted to live my life, ignited my purpose to make a positive impact in my community and in the world.

As a teenager and young working adult, goal setting and figuring out what my purpose and priorities were felt beyond my reach. I struggled with figuring out who the healthy, authentic me truly was in mind, body, and spirit. 

I was scattered, but even at a young age, I was constantly searching to figure out how to use my gifts to help others. I desired that security that felt unconditional; to be heard, loved, and understood, and to share that with the world. My yearning to do more, make better choices, and to be more eventually manifested to where I am today after the most pivotal moments of my life. 

In 2002, I was a college graduate, married, and had given birth to our first child; which was a traumatic experience all together. This was a significant, defining moment of change in my life. I was awakened to do EVERYTHING in my power not only to love our new son but to empower him to live a healthy and vibrant life; recognizing the immense potential he has to do and be whatever he desires. This feeling of wanting to GIVE to him transferred to others in my community and was only magnified when our daughter was born in 2004. 

My purpose of helping business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders to make real change and embrace the whole life success that they desire was now becoming much clearer.

Over the past 15 years, I have held strong leadership roles in the wellness industry; accentuating business, professional and personal growth for myself and for my clients. My experience in business development, holistic team leadership, connecting, and building relationships has all stemmed from my purpose and highly regarded values of integrity and authenticity. I have an insatiable drive for excellence, resilience, and constant growth that I effectively share with my clients.

On a more personal note, I am a devoted mom, wife, daughter, and friend with a strong Christian faith. I enjoy giving back to my community through my church and several local charities. You can catch me at the gym or in the yoga studio every morning of the week, except for Sundays. I love long walks under the stars (before the sun comes up), am an avid Appalachian State fan, and enjoy quiet Sunday mornings with hot coffee and my journal. It fills my soul to mentor teens and young women to grow, accentuate their strengths and pour into their untapped potential. My love language is expressed by sharing good healthy food, wine & dark chocolate, and offering a shoulder or ear when someone needs it. I embrace opportunities that present a challenge, and am constantly learning for self-improvement.
I am on a mission in this life and nothing will stop me from positively impacting the lives of 1 million people.
The Foundation

Growth over 15 years of extensive experience in wellness, leadership, and business development; I consistently continue to learn and expand my business network through work with corporations, small businesses, and individual clients.


  • Personal Trainer
  • Food & Nutrition Consultant
  • Sports Nutrition Specialist
  • Yin Yoga
  • Biomechanics Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • Mindpower Coach
  • FindMojo Motivators Facilitator

Additionally, Lindsey collaborates with the following companies for business growth: 

  • Green Compass
  • Ryze Superfoods
  • PowerLife
  • Stéph & Shay; Master Your Mindpower
  • Contributor to LKN Magazine
Invest in You

As shared in the book The Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy, it is the small, healthy habits when compounded over time, lead to success. This can be translated in areas of health, wealth, career, leadership, family, entrepreneurship and community. Invest in you. Start with just one thing today that when compounded over time will make a more impactful change that you would have ever imagined.

Feeling stuck or uncertain where to start?