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7-Ingredient Protein Pancakes

by November 20, 2020

2 eggs
1 large ripe banana
1/4 cup oats
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp raw cacao powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp coconut oil
Pinch of pink salt (really the 8th ingredient)

Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor.
In a cast iron skillet, add coconut oil and pour in batter.
Watch for small bubbles to appear in pancakes and flip.

TIP: top with fresh berries, cacao nibs, PB2 sauce and/or 100% maple syrup.

Deeeelicious Greek Shrimp

by November 17, 2020

2 T extra-virgin olive oil
3/4 cup finely chopped sweet onion
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 (28-oz) can organic crushed tomatoes w/ basil
sea salt & pepper to taste
1 tsp ground cumin
3/4 teaspoon dried oregano1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes (optional)}
1 T raw local honey
1-1/2 pounds 16/20 count wild-caught shrimp, peeled and deveined
6 ounces feta cheese
2 T chopped fresh basil

Preheat oven to 400°F..

Heat the olive oil in a cast-iron skillet over medium-low heat.
Add the onion and garlic, stirring occasionally until softened – about 5 minutes.

Add the tomatoes, seasonings, and honey. Bring to a boil and reduce to medium-low heat and simmer uncovered, stirring occasionally until the sauce is thickened. Cooking time for about 15 minutes.

Transfer sauce to a 9×13 glass baking dish.
Arrange the shrimp over the tomato sauce in an even layer.
Crumble the feta over the shrimp. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, until the shrimp are pink and just cooked.
Turn on the broiler and broil for 2-3 minutes or until the feta is golden brown in spots.
Remove the dish very carefully from the oven and let the shrimp rest for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with basil and serve.

A Season of Gratitude

by November 15, 2020

Repost. **Originally posted in 2013**

2020. Are you feeling like you need to dig a little deeper to stay focused on gratitude these days? Me too.

Hopefully, we are all spending some extra time to remain in thoughts of gratitude and thanksgiving, especially with all of the negativity in our world right now. Time to allow us all to take some deep breaths and enjoy the time of Thanksgiving; not speeding straight from Halloween to Christmas.

Although, I will tell you that my Christmas decorations and tree are going up a little earlier this year than in years past. Bring on the JOY, but don’t forget the gratitude…

Pokemon Go Christmas decorations Bauble ornament Pokeball christmas tree |  eBay

I LOVE the holidays and Thanksgiving is my favorite. Filled with precious memories that we add to every year. And thank you, Governor Roy Cooper, but you will not dictate how my Thanksgiving will be spent with my family.

My childhood memories are vivid; waking on Thanksgiving morning to the savory smell of a fat, stuffed turkey in the oven. Family members taking over every room of the house. Stumbling sleepily down the hardwood stairs to sounds of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade emitting from the TV. Mom and Dad were always dressed for the occasion. Mom’s long dirty blonde hair blanketed her shoulders and a seasoned apron covered her ankle-length skirt as she prepared the most amazing meal. Holiday buzz filled the air with family in and out; helping in the kitchen, playing outside, talking, laughing, and watching TV.

Traditionally, the dining room table was set the night before with mom’s china in preparation for the exquisitely anticipated meal.  We dined like kings and queens on Thanksgiving; from hor d’oeuvres to assorted desserts.

I embraced being in charge of making the homemade whipped cream. A family tradition now passed down from my grandmother. Mom taught me when I was about 7 years old how to make the perfect whipped cream, with exactly the right amount of vanilla and sugar. For years to come, it was a job that I continued to proudly accept every year. A simple task, but necessary for the day to be complete. (Note: once you make your own whipped cream, you will NEVER have sore bought again).  

Our Thanksgiving meal would always be around 3:00; and if it was delayed, my brothers and I would protest. We wanted to have time to hit the kitchen later that evening for round #2 –  leftover turkey and cranberry sandwiches!

My memories are wonderful and I want my kids to experience the same. This year I will teach Kendall how to make that whipped cream to perfection 🙂 We celebrate old traditions and have begun our own. Our family started off the season making a Fisher Family gratitude box. Kendall spent time painting and decorating our (shoe) box, and we explained to the kids how it would work. Anytime we feel gratitude or thankful for anything,  we will write it on a piece of paper and put it in the box. On Christmas Eve we will open the box under the tree and share what is inside on those pieces of paper.

Even this season and year filled with much frustration, I am still thankful for so much in my life. I am counting down the days until Thanksgiving and while we will be missing some this year, I am so fortunate that at least the rest of us will be able to be together.

What are you grateful for this season?

Peace and blessings to you all,


by November 9, 2020

So, this is the year that you decide to step out of the box, to challenge yourself physically, and attempt a feat that you have not before. You sign up for the Warrior Dash (or some alternate “push your body to it’s limits” race) OR currently in this crazy year of crappy COVID, you choose a virtual race. AWESOME!!

I love to share in the excitement of people getting out, becoming more active and pushing themselves! In fact, this may be my next challenge.

You are signed up. All ready to go. You think to yourself, “Well I go to the gym 3 times a week already, spend my 45 mins on the treadmill, lift a few weights – I can do this no problem.” Well, think again.  Training for a race takes a different kind of persistence and commitment.  It’s time to pick it up – you are now a participant in YOUR race to push yourself – so let’s go!

Here are some tips that I have found to be helpful for some of my clients and myself:

  • Training should be 4-5 times a week for 8-12 weeks before the race.  Just a note: The Department of Health & Human Services states that for adults to manage their current weight and to obtain significant health benefits, they should engage in 60+ minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise MOST days of the week.
  • Be safe!  Make sure that you have the right shoes for running, cross-training, etc.  This is not a pair that you cannot remember the approximate date of purchase and looks like you just finished gardening in them.  If you have a previous injury or chronic pain in some body part (ie – knee), make sure that you get it checked out and that you are cleared to participate in your upcoming challenge.
  • Mix it up and have fun! If you are bored with your exercise routine, it is very likely that you won’t continue to do it.  Boredom and inconvenience are two of the biggest barriers to exercise. Do not do the same 45 mins of cardio on the elliptical every day.  You get bored and so do your muscles! Try a kickboxing class, run outside, bike, swim, or ask your local trainer for a home workout 😉
  • If you are strength training 2x a week, make sure to hit all your major muscle groups on those days or some combination of compound exercises.
    • Chest/back/shoulders
    • Quads/hamstrings/calves
    • Core
    • Biceps/triceps
  • Workout with a friend and hold each other accountable! Notice when your workout partner is having a great workout & tell them. Send each other motivating texts, etc. It works!
  • Drink plenty of water.  Water is the most abundant substance in our body.  It is easiest to remember that you should get 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of water daily.  However, if you are a fanatical exerciser, you probably need more.
  • Make yourself a new playlist. It is always motivating to workout to new music! Add some of your favorites. Make different playlists for different types of workouts (ie – weights, cardio, or a yoga playlist)
  • Finally, set goals for yourself – daily, weekly, monthly.  Write down what workouts you do on a calendar so that you can keep track of what you did, how long you did it, what weight you used, etc. 

“Life’s most important investment is in you and your health!”

Dessert? Yes please!

by November 9, 2020

With no added sugar, can I still have dessert?

In fact, I enjoy a small piece of 90% dark chocolate every day 🙂 Some other options are fruit and nuts, chia seed pudding, a small serving of plain Greek yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon OR mixed with PB2 (this makes a delicious creamy peanut butter dip for fruit).

You can also try this fantastic fall recipe for PUMPKIN CHOCOLATE MOUSSE.  The sweetness here is from the natural sugar in dates.
Dates also happen to be a great source of fiber. Keep your portion size to 1/2 cup on this one – it’s easy to eat more!

3/4 cup pitted dates, soaked in warm water for 10 mins and drained
2 cups organic pumpkin puree
2 tbsp almond butter
3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp cardamom
1 tsp vanilla extract
2-3 tbsp flaxseed meal

Drain dates and blend all ingredients in a food processor. Best if refrigerated for at least 30 minutes before serving.


Addicted. 5:00 AM Workouts and Protein Bites.

by November 8, 2020

I workout at 5:30 AM – 5 days a week. Occasionally, since COVID, it also may be a 5:00 AM run or 6:45 AM bootcamp. But no later. I find that my body functions best at this time of the morning. There is also something about that fresh air on your face before the sun rises. It is invigorating. Ask me 5 years ago if I would get up at 5:00 AM to workout ONE day a week and I would have said you are crazy!

But now, I love it and I am addicted. Addicted to a good workout. Addicted to waking up to the potential of each day and getting my blood moving. Addicted to doing something good for my body before the sun comes up. Addicted to starting my day on a positive note with an open and fresh mind. Addicted to the process and my routine. Addicted to my coffee “treat” each morning as I spend time with the kids before the day begins for everyone else in my house. Addicted to my post-workout coffee snack.

A question I get a lot and was reminded of because someone asked me this morning – do I eat before I workout?  The answer is that I used to but I find now that I don’t need to eat until after I workout.  The only thing I have before my workout is my LARGE cup of lemon water. However, this is what works for me. You may need a little pre-workout bite of something.

It’s part of my routine – addicted to my little morning ritual of a great workout followed by hot coffee and a perfect carb/protein/healthy fat snack to start my day. 99% of the time this is something I make on Sunday for the following week – either my almond bars or protein balls. This week it is the protein balls because my son also asked me to make them.

If you are also working out early in the morning and need a small snack pre-workout or post-workout OR anytime during the day for a little boost, these are deliciously perfect! Enjoy 🙂

No Bake Energy Bites
1 cup oats
2/3 cup organic coconut flakes (unsweetened)
3/4 cup natural nut butter ( organic almond, peanut, sunflower or cashew)
1/2 cup ground flaxseed
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips (optional)
1/3 cup local raw honey
1 tsp vanilla extract

Stir all ingredients together until mixed thoroughly. Chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Roll into balls and store in the fridge for your daily “treat” through the week.

No Bake Energy Bites | Gimme Some Oven

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