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Healthy Tips to Stay on Track When Traveling

by June 3, 2024

“I was traveling last week and it totally threw me off. I was doing

really well before that.”

“My schedule is crazy with travel and it makes it so hard to stay on


“I get caught just grabbing fast food when I am traveling.”

“Meetings all day and dinners late into the evening make it really hard

to eat healthy when I am traveling.”

Do any of these sound remotely familiar?

Truth. If you travel often for work, it is definitely more challenging to

stick to your eating plan that you have at home. More challenging, but

not impossible. It also makes a big difference in what foods to take

with you if you are traveling in a car or plane. There are many more

options if you travel by car and can access a cooler.

Aim for progress in your travel food choices, not perfection.

Before we dive into the detailed list of travel foods, here are a few tips

to be used as a guide so that you do not find yourself in the

fast food line day after day.

#1 – Hydration. It’s easy to become dehydrated while traveling,

which can often be mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary

snacking. Always take a reusable water bottle and drink water

regularly throughout the day. Daily hydration should be 1/2 your

body weight in ounces before exercise and more when you fly.

#2 – Preparation. Before leaving, research the area you are

traveling to and find healthy eating options. Look for restaurants

that offer nutritious meals, and check if your hotel or VRBO

provides facilities for preparing simple meals. Packing healthy

snacks can prevent reliance on unhealthy airport or convenience

store options. Instead of grabbing a candy bar, having a handful

of almonds can stabilize your energy levels and provide

essential nutrients.

#3 – Eating out. Making informed choices can significantly impact

your diet, daily function, sleep, and overall wellness. Opt for grilled

or baked proteins over fried ones, and always request dressings

and sauces on the side. These days many restaurants favor

guest requests, so don’t hesitate to ask for steamed vegetables

instead of fries. Choosing grilled fish and a salad with a

vinaigrette dressing on the side is much healthier than a

cheeseburger with fries.

#4 – Mindful eating. It is essential; travel or no travel. Take time to

enjoy your meals, even if your schedule is packed. Eating slowly

and awareness of your meals can improve digestion and help to

tell your brain when you’re full, reducing the likelihood of


#5 – Balance. It’s okay to indulge occasionally, but maintaining a

balance is essential for overall well-being. If you have client

dinners scheduled, enjoy the dinner but opt for a lighter lunch

with plenty of vegetables. Planning your meals around your

activities can help keep your nutrition on point.

These are a few items I always have on hand when I am traveling:

Hugs, High-Fives, and Happy Easter

by March 28, 2024

Flashback to April 4 years ago.
4 years! In some ways that seems like a lifetime ago, in others, the blink of an eye. 

It was April 12, 2020 and strict lockdown measures were in place. An Easter Sunday that we will never forget. An Easter Sunday that we never imagined. An Easter Sunday filled with new and very different memories. An Easter Sunday allowing us to embrace and BE in the moment.

I distinctly remember the weather was perfect. The quiet was encompassing. People were outside walking, running, biking, playing basketball. There was a peace and joy in the disruption of “normal” life. 

It was also an Easter Sunday that came with uncertainty. Do you remember? Or maybe you have tried to forget. Easter church services all online. How long would this go on? Uncertainty is scary. Is this where resilience and faith step in? So many questions…

That Sunday, and many to follow, public events like Easter egg hunts and parades were canceled or modified to comply with social distancing regulations. There were no large gatherings in parks or brunches at Grandma’s house. Some neighborhoods organized “socially distant” egg hunts, where families could search for eggs while maintaining a “safe” distance. Others got quite creative and opted for virtual egg hunts; clues were posted online, and participants had to find hidden eggs in their homes or neighborhoods. 

Do you remember? What was the lesson in it all? Is this where resilience and faith step in?

I relished the time with my family and shared in a blog post on that Easter Sunday, “The sense of peace, love, and grace that consumes our house is tangible today. The day started for me with Maya (our dog) and a 5-mile run, followed by church streamed online as we all gathered in the kitchen, Easter baskets, an indoor egg hunt, brunch, and painting.” My kitchen converted into an art studio during that time. It brought out a creativity in all of us that we would have otherwise never uncovered.

Easter church service in my kitchen? I remember quietly and uncontrollably crying through church as my heart ached to be with the rest of my family and friends as our Easter traditions had always provided. Longing for the past, uncertain about the future. Is this where resilience and faith step in?

While I cherished the time with my family, the peace, and the slowdown, my blog post continued, “My heart is full, as I hope yours is today as well…but I cannot wait for days ahead for those hugs and high-fives.” 

This year, if you celebrate Easter or not, relish in the hugs and high fives. This is resilience and faith. 

Prioritizing a Healthy Lifestyle & Safety in the Workplace

by January 26, 2024

Co-Authored with Tim Neubauer of Exceed Safety

Americans are more unhealthy than ever before in history. The CDC reports that heart disease is the leading cause of death and the obesity rate is now exceeding 48% of the population. These statistics are staggering; but the good news is that we all have the power to change, to make healthier choices that lead to mental, physical, and emotional longevity and vitality.

In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle has become more crucial than ever. Beyond its impact on personal well-being, adopting a healthy lifestyle extends to the workplace, playing a pivotal role in fostering a productive and safe work environment.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a healthy lifestyle as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The significance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and ensuring safety in the workplace is not only increasingly proven to be essential for all positions within a company but also for the success of the business as a whole.

A healthy lifestyle encompasses various aspects including nutrition, physical activity, stress management, mental well-being, and proper sleep. Employees who prioritize their health outside of work tend to bring higher levels of energy, focus, and resilience to the workplace. Healthy habits contribute to improved cognitive function, enhanced communication among co-workers, and better overall job performance.

Moreover, a healthy lifestyle can lead to lower rates of absenteeism and decreased healthcare costs for both employees and employers. By investing in both personal wellness and professional development programs through wellness education, organizations can create a positive feedback loop where employees are more engaged, satisfied, and productive. Studies show that healthier employees produce safer, more stable work environments. Likewise, ensuring a safe work environment is not only a legal and ethical responsibility but also a critical factor in maintaining a motivated and dedicated workforce.

Organizations that implement comprehensive safety protocols, conduct regular wellness training sessions, and provide impactful health resources minimize the risk of accidents and workplace dysfunction. Organizations that truly invest in the wellness of their employees build better morale, increase productivity, and nurture an overall happier work environment. End result: when you feel better, you perform better.

A healthy lifestyle and workplace safety are interconnected elements that create a harmonious and thriving professional ecosystem. To actively promote a healthy lifestyle and safety in the workplace, organizations can implement wellness programs that address physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Leadership plays a crucial role in setting the tone for a healthy and safe workplace. By championing wellness initiatives and consistently reinforcing the importance of safety, organizational leaders can cultivate a culture where employees feel supported in prioritizing their health. Tim Neubauer, a leading safety expert and founder of Exceed Safety, emphasizes this connection, stating, “As leaders in safety, we understand the undeniable link between personal well-being and workplace safety. It’s essential to encourage a holistic approach to health – encompassing both physical and mental wellness. This not only reduces the risk of accidents but also fosters a more engaged and resilient workforce. Our commitment to health is a commitment to the overall success of our organization.”

The key to successful wellness initiatives is to tailor them to the specific needs and preferences of your workforce. Here are 5 things a company can do in 2024 to establish a healthier workplace:

  • When possible, encourage effective time management protocols encouraging breaks throughout the day for employees to move more and be more productive.
  • Host monthly wellness workshops for employees focusing on nutrition, exercise, stress-reduction, mental resilience, workplace ergonomics, etc.
  • Offer wellness challenges and incentives to encourage healthier lifestyles and support from leadership.
  • Foster a positive work environment at ALL levels. Recognize and celebrate achievements, promote work-life balance, and encourage teamwork.
  • Acknowledge the small wins, employee strengths, and learn from each other. 71% of our time yearly is spent at work; we need to be our best to make the best use of that time.

A healthy lifestyle and safety in the workplace are integral components of a successful and sustainable organization. By recognizing the interconnectedness of these elements, companies can create a positive work environment that fosters employee well-being, engagement, and higher productivity.

About the Authors

Lindsey Fisher, a distinguished leader in the wellness industry with over 15 years of experience, is dedicated to enhancing physical, mental, and emotional health through her innovative Mindpower Coaching programs. As a committed mother, wife, and friend, her work is deeply rooted in her Christian faith and the principles of integrity and empathy. Lindsey’s expertise in holistic wellness, from mindpower techniques to stress management, supports her mission to positively impact the lives of leaders and high-performers. Balancing her professional endeavors with a love for family, nature, and personal growth, Lindsey embodies a holistic approach to success and wellbeing.

Tim Neubauer, MS, CSP, founder of Exceed Safety, brings over five decades of experience in workplace safety training and content development. His deep passion for physical and mental health, particularly in the workplace, complements his extensive safety expertise. Tim is committed to integrating physical and mental health awareness into safety practices, recognizing the profound impact it has on overall wellbeing in the industry.

Let’s Be Real

by May 22, 2023

We are not a “one size fits all” society.

We don’t all walk the same way, speak the same language, listen to the same music, have the same social circles, or have the same jobs.

We don’t dress the same, have the same strengths, read the same books, and we all are not inspired by the same people.

We also shouldn’t be doing the same workouts, eating the same foods, sleeping the same amount, drinking the same amounts of water, having the same opinions, spending the same amount of time at work or at play.

We are not a “one size fits all” community.

Every one of us is different. Each one of us on our own journey. Each individual with individual visions and goals.

So I often wonder, why is it when the newest “fad diet” or workout plan arises, it seems that the majority of us think we need to jump on the bandwagon?
“Did you hear, Stacey lost 15 pounds in 5 days on the water diet! I have to try it!”

I had several clients this week asking what diet I think is the best. What workout program would help them lose the most weight?

If what you are doing right now is working for you, continue. If not, ask for some help and shake things up. We all may have some of the same visions, but our goals/steps to get there look quite a bit different.

The ONE thing I will promise you is that when it comes to your health and overall well-being, diets are never the answer. (⇒Key in Keto, South Beach, Adkins, Low Carb Craze, juice cleanses, The Master Cleanse, you name it, etc…..)

Yo Yo Diet

What works for one, may work for another, but it may not. And that is ok.
The more exciting news is that YOUR journey will shift and change, have highs and lows. What worked for you last year may still be working, or you may have hit a plateau. Time for a change. And that is ok too.

Here is the solution. ASK for help if you need it. The right professional with YOUR health at heart will guide you in the right direction for you.
Choose YOUR path. Choose what works for YOU. Choose something you can feel great about and commit to.

My path has changed MANY times over the years. But, currently, here is what I find, fitness and nutrition wise, working best for me in 2023!
– spend at least 5-10 minutes (try for more) each day in prayer/journal/reflections
– Daily workouts and walks during my workday to stay moving
– Surround myself with active people
– Attend hot yoga at least 1x per week
– Sauna at least 1x/week
– Drink at least 1/2 my body weight in water every single day
– Limit coffee to 2 cups per day (1 cup is mushroom coffee)
– Pay attention to macros and the way my body reacts to different amounts
– Move my body and hit 13,000 steps every single day
– Limit my wine intake. Drink better wine, less of it.
– Incorporate probiotics, ACV, vitamin D daily
– Eat 90% clean – lots of veggies, lean protein, healthy fats
– Foam roll for AT LEAST 5 minutes daily
– Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night

What does your path look like for the rest of this year?
What areas might you need help with?
Let me hear from you 🙂 

Have You Had Enough…

by May 10, 2023

WATER? or are you feeling…

  • fatigue
  • Increased thirst
  • dry mouth
  • swollen tongue
  • dizziness
  • palpitations (feeling that the heart is jumping or pounding)
  • confusion
  • feeling faint
  • decreased urine output

These are all symptoms of dehydration.

“So, do I really need to drink ½ my body weight in water every day?”

Simple answer – yes.  If you want to feel great and have your body run like a well oiled machine – drink water.

Think about this – what do we NEED to survive? Air. Food. Water.
From the moment of conception, what does the human body develop in? Water.
Humans can survive without food for up to 2 weeks. Without water? 3 days.
What is the human body made of? 60%+ water.
Here are some more amazing facts.  Our MOST needed nutrient is water. Water makes up every cell, tissue and organ in our bodies. Our brains are 70% water.  Our blood is 83% water. Our muscles are 75% water; and our lungs, 90% water.

SO – if we aren’t getting enough water and are going through life as a camel in the desert; how can our bodies feel great, fight off sickness and function at their best? The answer is easy – they can’t.

Here are a few more amazing ways water helps our bodies function:
– it maintain normal body temperature
– acts as a joint lubricant
– carries waste away from blood and tissues
– transports nutrients
– ensures adequate blood volume
– serves as a spinal shock absorber

The thing is, and I hear it all of the time, “I don’t like water,” “I get tired of plain old water,” “I cannot drink that much water.”

Guess what?! I hear you and I AGREE!  I get sick of drinking plain old water all of the time too. So, to switch things up, I do things like add cucumbers, watermelon, lemon, lime, orange slices to my water. I make sure that my alkaline pitcher is filled up very single night before I go to bed.
I also make pitchers of tea. As long as the tea is caffeine free (choose an herbal tea) and does not potentially act as a diuretic, you are good to go!  Teas can add tons of flavor to that plain water that you get tired of drinking.
One more idea…if you have infused balsamic vinegars, add a couple teaspoons to your water. You would be surprised how flavorful! I love to add an orange or lemon white balsamics to my water.
And one more bonus! If you are eating fruits and vegetables, those can help too. Most fruits and veggies are primarily WATER!!

Question for parents: Are your kids drinking enough water? Especially if they are athletes?
Dehydration leads to decrease in performance and impairs ability to excel.
Tip: Get the kids a fun water bottle and make sure they are refilling it throughout the day.

Have a happy day, make the best of it and drink you water, people 🙂

My Top 20 at Trader Joe’s

by March 25, 2023

Repost/revised from 2019

Listen up Lake Norman, WE NEED A TRADER JOE’S!
TJ’s is doing it right and we need to bring that happy shopping experience closer to our community. 

Trader Joe’s is my “icing on the cake” grocery store. I cannot necessarily purchase all of the items that I need there, but it certainly takes my food up a notch! The variety of foods and prices, the flowers, the seasonal items, the wines, and the people who work there….TJ’s provides a shopping experience! It is not just your mundane, obligatory trip to the grocery store.

Charlotte currently has 2 locations – University and Uptown. Right now, I drive 30+ minutes, usually to the University location (because parking at the Uptown location can be a nightmare) once a month to stock up. The thing is that TJ’s comes out with new items all of the time, so sometimes I miss the party by only going once a month.

If we had a location in Denver (ideal since I live here), Cornelius, Huntersville or even Mooresville, I would go weekly. 

So, if you have been and love it, CLICK HERE now. Just do it 🙂 

If you have not been, do yourself a favor and go! It may be overwhelming at first, but once you figure out what you love to buy there, it’s like riding a bike – you know what to do, but it brings a new adventure every time.

Here is my best advice to make the most of your TJ’s journey!

  • Take your time. Especially if you are a first-timer. Browse. Ask questions – the employees love to chat about new items and their favorites. You may even want to grab a seasoned TJ’s shopper and take the trip together. 
  • Contrary to popular belief, just because it comes from Trader Joe’s does not mean it is healthy! (Note: this same rule applies for Earth Fare and Whole Foods too)
  • I have found that while I have been shopping at Trader Joe’s for YEARS, their prices have increased as they have everywhere, but are still very reasonable.
  • Realize that they do have seasonal items. Items that you love and then are discontinued, only to find that occasionally they come back months later. I am not sure why, but just roll with it. 
  • I typically do not buy produce at Trader Joe’s. Prices are not fantastic on produce and you need to keep an eye on expiration dates.

My top picks to purchase at Trader Joe’s:

  • CARDS. For all occasions and they are only $.99 – compared to $5.99 at other stores… for a card?!?
  • DIPS. Specifically hummus, the vegan cashew pesto, and avocado tzatziki dip. Technically that is 3 items, but we will call it one.
  • RIDGE CUT POTATO CHIPS. 3 ingredients. Potatoes, sunflower oil, sea salt. Sunflower oil is not ideal, but comparing to other chips, these are a win!
  • SUN-DRIED TOMATOES. In a bag, not in oil. Absolutely delicious and full of flavor. Add to salads, side dishes, on top of eggs, etc. This is also what I use in my sweet potato salad.
  • BRUCHETTA. In the jar. Minimal ingredients and again, full of flavor. Serve with your cheese and cracker plate at happy hour or on top of your omelet with some goat cheese.
  • DILL PICKLES. My daughter LOVES pickles. Most pickles in the stores have added food dyes and preservatives. You can find some good ones at local farmers markets or TJs pickles, which use turmeric for coloring.
  • CONDIMENTS. Again, technically 3 items but organic ketchup, whole grain and dijon mustards, and organic mayo. Minimal ingredients and all ones you can pronounce.
  • GOLDEN ROUNDS CRACKERS. My people love the cousin of this cracker that you buy at your local store, but those are full of ingredients to avoid, including hydrogenated oils and HFCS.  These crackers taste the same and are a much better choice if you are going to eat crackers.
  • EGGPLANT GARLIC SPREAD. Again, another delicious addition. I usually serve this with raw veggies.
  • COCONUT SUGAR. Good price. While all sugar is metabolized the same in the body, coconut sugar brings a rich panel of nutrients to the table.
  • TACO SHELLS. You would be surprised at the laundry list of preservatives and ingredients in a taco shell. With taco night being a staple in our house, quality shells are necessary. 3 ingredients: organic corn flour, sunflower oil, and lime.
  • COFFEES AND TEAS. Specifically Organic Ginger Turmeric Herbal Tea. Great for digestion and fighting inflammation in the body.
  • HIMALAYAN PINK SALT. You can find this anywhere now but this one comes in its own grinder and the pink salt is a good source of essential trace minerals.
  • EVERYTHING BUT THE BAGEL SEASONING. Delicious. On everything.
  • CRYSTALIZED GINGER. Again, ginger is great for digestion. This comes in a bag full of sweet chunks of ginger root. I keep them on hand for any time we have an upset stomach or stomach pain. Eat 2 hunks of ginger and 99% of the time, stomach issues subside. A much better choice than Tums.
  • FREEZER WAFFLES. These come in whole grain and gluten-free. Nutritionally, it is virtually impossible to find a healthy freezer waffle in my opinion. But, throw some nut butter or Greek yogurt and berries on top and you have a super quick, balanced breakfast for the kids before they run out the door to school.
  • SARDINES. Yep, little fish. Nutritional powerhouses, loaded with protein and an excellent source of omega 3s.  Perfect to throw on top of a salad with some lemon juice and fresh cracked pepper.
  • FROZEN CAULIFLOWER GNOCCHI. When I just feel like that pasta fix. Delicious sautéed in coconut oil,  topped with Rao’s sauce or the vegan cashew pesto.
  • TJ’s COCONUT AMINOS. 99% of soybeans in the US are GMO and also recognized hormone disruptors in the body. I personally stay away from all soy products (start looking because it is in EVERYTHING) and this is the perfect, healthy substitution to soy sauce.
  • FLOWERS AND PLANTS. Their selection is gorgeous and they tend to last a while. Studies have proven that having fresh flowers and plants in the house improves air quality and mood. If my trip timing to Trader Joe’s is right, I also like to have them in my guest room when family and friends come to visit.

Let’s bring Trader Joe’s to Lake Norman!!

For more on wellness topics beneficial to you, your company, group or organization, contact Lindsey at

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