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Cookie Dough Dip

by February 26, 2019

1 can of organic chickpeas – drained and rinsed
2 tbsp ground flaxseed
1/8 tsp pink salt
1/8 tsp baking soda
2 tsp vanilla extract
¼ cup nut butter (you can use slightly less if you do not want it so nutty tasting)
¼ cup unsweetened almond milk
1/4  cup dark chocolate chips
1/4 cup 100% pure maple syrup

Combine all ingredients (except for the chocolate chips) in a food processor thoroughly. Fold in chocolate chips and store in the fridge.

Tip: Enjoy spoonfuls as a snack or serve as a dip with sliced apples.  The kids love it with graham crackers.

Crustless Quiche

by February 26, 2019

6 organic eggs
1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or milk of choice)
1 cup organic baby spinach
1/2 cup organic cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup diced onion
coconut oil
1/4 cup feta cheese
Salt and fresh ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 350.
Whisk eggs, milk, and seasonings and set aside.
Place about 1tbsp of coconut oil in a pan (cast iron skillet is best!). Saute onions until fragrant.
Add spinach and tomatoes for about 3-4 minutes.
Rub light layer of coconut oil on a pie plate, add cooked veggies and egg mixture and bake for 40 minutes.
Remove from the oven & sprinkle with feta. Bake for an additional 5 minutes.
Slice and serve.

Tip: Top with fresh sliced avocado and sprinkle with hot pepper flakes if you enjoy a little spice!

Gluten Free Cinnamon Apple Crisp

by February 26, 2019

6 medium organic apples
2 oz raisins
3/4 tsp ground Ceylon cinnamon
1 tsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
2 tbsps oat flour
1/4 cup raw local honey

1 cup quick oats
2 tbsps light brown sugar
1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon
2 1/2 tbsps organic butter, melted

Heat the oven to 350.
Mix topping ingredients in a small bowl and set aside.
Combine apples, raisins, honey and lemon juice in a large bowl.
Sprinkle with oat flour until the fruit is coated.
Place mixture in a baking dish, cover with foil and bake for 15 minutes.
Remove from the oven and sprinkle with topping mixture.
Bake for about 50 minutes.

Tip: Enjoy alone, as a sweet treat with some vanilla ice cream,  with your cup of coffee, or on top of plain Greek yogurt. You can also add some chopped walnuts or pecans for an extra crunch and added healthy fats!

Chocolate Lava Dip

by February 6, 2019

Image result for heart healthy valentines image

1 1/4 cups dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup full fat coconut milk
1 tsp coconut oil

Combine ingredients in a microwave safe bowl, stirring every minute until blended and smooth (not to burn the chocolate).
Serve with sliced fruit, berries, bananas, graham crackers, or pretzels for a healthier sweet treat this Valentine’s Day!

Simple Superbowl Nachos

by January 28, 2019

Organic tortilla chips
1 can organic black beans, rinsed and drained
Cheddar cheese
Diced tomato, onion, avocado
Salsa for dipping

Preheat oven to 350.
Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Lay chips in a single layer and top with beans and cheese.
Cook for 7-8 minutes for until cheese is melted.
Top with tomatoes, onions, and diced avocado.
Serve with salsa for dipping.

TIP: You can swap the beans for lean ground beef or turkey or use both. Also, add some variety with fresh cilantro, black olives or sliced jalapenos as additional toppings.

Just Say No to the D Word

by January 23, 2019

How is it that the “one size fits all” approach is the way that many of us look at our health daily?

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We have all done it at one point or another. Talked to a family member or friend and thought to ourselves, “Wow. She looks great!  What is she doing because I need to do that!” “If it is working for her, then I am game.”

And while what she is doing may be a good choice and may be working for her, that in no way guarantees that if you follow the SAME EXACT steps, her plan will work for you.

What I am trying to say is that ONE exercise program will not work for everyone.
One D word, dare I say it, DIET…one diet plan will not and does not work for everyone.

Diet. That extremely overused word in society, kind of similar to the word “busy.” Overused and losing meaning.

You name it…Keto, Paleo, Cabbage Soup, Low Carb, Weight Watchers, Master Cleanse, Zone, Atkins, Raw, Alkaline, Grapefruit, Gluten-Free. These are not an “end all, be all, all problems solved” solution to healthy living.

You and your friend may both be human, but are so completely different.
Different activity levels, different stress response, different nutrient intake, different sleep patterns, different hormones, different family life, different habits and routines and schedules, different jobs, different blood types, different social circles…

You get the point. I could go on and on but the take away is that there is no ONE diet plan will work for different people in the same way.

This is why I support my mission and belief that diets are not the way to go for most people.  (Note: I say most people. While some may need that initial “kickstart,” it is important to educate and make behavior change during that period of time to make lasting changes)

If you want to be better, live better, feel better, sleep better and live a life full of energy and vitality – it requires some work, drive and lifestyle change.

Time to jump off the D-word bandwagon and commit to overall healthier lifestyle choices that you can maintain.

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