7 New Prayers
Re-working and re-writing this blog post from the original back in 2018.
A few have changed since then. Kendall is not having a birthday in 7 days. We are not about to head out on a mission trip and experience some of the most life-changing moments in 7 days. My most recent pancake recipe does not have 7 ingredients. It has 9. And, I have 7 new prayers.
I have always been told that it is ok to pray big prayers. God listens. Pray as big and as bold as you wish. It’s ok. There is not a “wrong way” to pray.
7 prayers. (plus a couple…)
Lord, thank you for the safety of my family and friends during this crazy time that we are living through. I ask that you continue to bless us and keep EVERYONE healthy and safe. Please keep my parents and my friends’ parents, who are at a higher risk of sickness during this time, healthy.
Lord, this is a selfish prayer but much needed. Please bring healing to my back so that I can get back to my normal daily routines and exercise.
Lord, please put an end to COVID and decrease the amount of emotional pain that we are seeing in our community, across the nation, and around the world every day.
Lord, thank you for my kids. I am amazed daily that you chose me to be their mom. Thank you also for their friends and sports teams that are such an amazing circle and group of kids surrounding them. Keep all of them safe, happy, and healthy.
Lord, allow my friends and I who are feeling withdrawn from you during this time, to re-focus and be eminently reminded of your presence and love.
Lord, let our kids continue to play sports and allow them to get back to school full time!! #GoEast
Lord, please continue to guide my words and actions to show love to the people closest to me when they need it most. Allow me to serve where I am called to serve.
Lord, allow Jordan to feel supported and loved during this time. PLEASE guide him down the right path to the university that is right for him in 2021.
Lord, thank you for our jobs and income that allow us to provide for our family. Please guide me down the path to opportunity and career growth.
I would love to be praying for YOU. Please share your prayers in comments below…